Wednesday 4 November 2015

Doctor Who: The Zygon Invasion Recap

Becoming something of a fan-favourite monster since the 1970's, it was about time the Zygons got their own story in 21st century Doctor Who. After only having a brief role in the 50th anniversary special (The Day of the Doctor) two years ago, it's good to see them become the focus of a two-parter. Clara is also back after her absence from last week's episode, as well as UNIT and some new faces.

After the events of The Day of the Doctor, the Zygons and the human race are at war after the agreed peace treaty between the two races collapses. Feeling suppressed by having to hide their true appearance from the human race, the Zygons launch a plan to claim the planet for themselves. The Doctor is called in by UNIT to help rescue Zygon captive Osgood (Ingrid Oliver), and Clara sets off to find the Zygon base of operations. With UNIT unsure as to whom exactly they can trust, The Doctor must assume his role of President of the World if he is to have any chance of ending the Zygon invasion. 

First things first, this is a massive improvement of the previous two-parter. A lot of that is down to the thrill of seeing a classic Doctor Who monster revitalised, but it also comes down to having much more happen in the space of 45 minutes. We are thrown straight into the action, with the Zygon revolt already taking place before UNIT have a chance to contact the Doctor. Added to that is a great use of the Zygon shape-shifting ability, which makes for one hell of a great ending to this particular episode. It's also a delight to see Rebecca Front reunited with Peter Capaldi, having appeared together in the BBC comedy The Thick of It. What's interesting is that there is a role reversal with their characters from each show: in The Thick of It, Front's character, Nicola Murray, would often be on the receiving end of a swear-fuelled rant by spin doctor Malcolm Tucker (Capaldi). In this week's episode, Front plays Colonel Walsh, who disregards the Doctor's advice at almost every turn.

Despite seemingly being killed off last season, UNIT member Osgood is back, and is shown to have developed a sisterly bond with her Zygon doppelgänger. It is revealed that no-one is sure as to whether it was the human or Zygon Osgood who was killed off, with her referring to herself as both human and Zygon. This continues the series theme of hybrid characters, as seen with Ashildr in the previous two episodes. Osgood also continues her role as being a walking reference to classic Doctor Who, this time wearing a Sylvester McCoy era jumper and once again wearing Tom Baker's iconic scarf.

With an ending that sets things in motion nicely, The Zygon Invasion is perhaps the series' strongest opening part of a story. With a dark tone and plenty of mystery, it breathes new life into the series, as well as a classic group of monsters. The second part has a lot to live up to, and I can't wait to see what becomes of this story in The Zygon Inversion...

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